Reformed Tastes: LITE Centre

WCRC members carry out their ministries and missions in a wide variety of ways and contexts. Through this new online series, Reformed Tastes, we hope to bring you short insights into what members of the Communion are doing,… Read More

Member Church News: Reconciliation, Condolences, Commemorations, Assistance

In June Pope Francis asked for forgiveness for past sins committed against Waldensian sisters and brothers in Italy. Last month, the Synod of the Waldensian and Methodist Churches responded with an official letter to the Pope. In Cuba,… Read More

Member Church News: Leaders, Meetings, Celebrations

In the United States Gradye Parsons, a member of the WCRC executive committee and stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has announced he will not stand for a third term as clerk. A Christian Reformed Church Sustaining… Read More

Member Church News: Protests, Leaders, Partnerships

In India, church leaders, priests and members of various churches including WCRC members the Church of North India and the Church of South India observed a candle light vigil demanding equal rights for Dalit Christians. His first name,… Read More

Reformed Tastes: Glimpses from around the world

We, the World Communion of Reformed Churches, have over 225 member churches in more than 100 countries around the world. Our member churches come from the Congregational, Presbyterian, Reformed, United, Uniting and Waldensian traditions and total some 80… Read More

Member Church News Bits: Arts, Pilgrims, Camping, Diversity and more

Here are some recent stories from WCRC member churches. Click through any of the links in the summaries to read more. The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan held its first youth camp for indigenous people. Kalamis, which means “digging… Read More

Stories of Strength: The Stewards of 2015 Executive Committee

Four young stewards from Syria and Lebanon participated in hosting this year’s WCRC executive committee held in Lebanon. Thanks to these young people the executive committee and WCRC staff were able to hear first hand accounts of the… Read More

Sharing Our Stories

The World Communion of Reformed Churches is comprised of 80 million Christians in Congregational, Presbyterian, Reformed, United, Uniting and Waldensian churches. The WCRC, working with its 225+ member churches, is active in supporting theology, justice, church unity and… Read More