Reformed World returns

After a longer than expected hiatus, Reformed World, the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) theological journal, has returned with a pair of editions released simultaneously. During the two years between the last issue and now the editorial… Read More

Messages of urgency brought to “COVID & Beyond” process

The third “circle” of the World Communion of Reformed Churches’ (WCRC) “COVID & Beyond” discernment process concluded with an online meeting on Wednesday, 4 August. “We are gathering all that we have heard over the last two months,… Read More

WCRC calls for meaningful responses to natural disasters

We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labour pains until now… (Romans 8:22) The recent floods in Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium have led to a catastrophic loss of life and livelihood. Accounts from member… Read More

WCRC joins in support of gender equality

In 1995, 189 countries adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, an ambitious roadmap for gender equality. In the last 26 years, religious actors have been working from the local to the global level to transform gender… Read More

Tax justice critical agree economists and church leaders

Addressing the upcoming G20 International Taxation Symposium, a webinar brought together economists, activists, and church representatives to explore how tax justice and reparations—as called for in the ecumenical Zacchaeus Tax (ZacTax) campaign—could help the world attain a just… Read More

Essays invited for Lombard Prize

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), in association with Lombard, Odier & Cie, Bankers of Geneva, Switzerland, invite young people to participate in the WCRC Youth Network’s call for essays. The focus of theological education on ministerial… Read More

WCRC congratulates LWF general secretary-elect

Anne Burghardt was congratulated on her election as the next general secretary of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) by the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). “We are very grateful that the LWF has elected a person of… Read More

WCRC calls for support to end US blockade of Cuba

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) renews its call to end the blockade by the United States of America on Cuba. A letter sent by the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba noted that the United Nations will discuss… Read More

Webinar to address global tax system

An ecumenical webinar will focus on using the global tax system as a tool to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and to repair systemic issues such as rising socio-economic inequality and runaway climate change. “ZacTax: A Reparatory Tax… Read More

WCRC mourns death of Allen Nafuki

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) joins with those around the world mourning the death of Allen Nafuki, chief executive officer/assembly clerk of the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu (PCV) and a former member of the WCRC Executive… Read More