Myanmar members seek assistance for flood victims

Severe flooding has hit a large area in Myanmar, impacting more than a third of a million people and causing dozens of deaths.

We have heard from several of our member churches in Myanmar who are calling for both spiritual and financial support.

The Christian Reformed Church of Myanmar (CRCM) reports that its missionaries in southern Chin state and in the northern part of Rakhine state are reporting urgent needs for food, clothes, shelter and medicines.

“Bridges that connect from one place to another have been broken, rice fields including highland mountainside farms have been swept away by flood and landslides,” said Chan Thleng, general secretary of the CRCM. “Our missionaries to Rakhine…have lost their houses and [are] staying under plastic shelters.”

The CRCM has formed the Myanmar Mercy Foundation with several other Christian denominations and non-profit organizations to receive funds for assistance. “We understand that this is our duty to help those who are in desperate need and crying for help. We need to help those who are in trouble,” said Chan Thleng, citing 1 Timothy 5:10.

The Mara Evangelical Church (MEC, a WCRC member) has formed a Flood Relief Committee to both assess the needs and provide assistance. “The committee is committed to reach the victims living in the most rural part of the region,” said Satu Ve U, secretary general of the MEC. “Since there are hundreds of villages that could no longer be reached by motor bike the pastors, church elders and voluntary team members [are] walking on foot from village after village.”

The WCRC’s Reformed Partnership Fund (RPF) is currently working to provide emergency funds to Myanmar. The RPF makes emergency grants to support member churches responding to natural or human-made disasters.

Donations can also be made directly to either the Myanmar Mercy Foundation or the Mara Evangelical Church’s Flood Relief Committee. More details on how to donate and on the situation can be found through these links:

Our sisters and brothers in Myanmar are also asking for spiritual support through prayer:

She must be well attested for her good works, as one who has brought up children, shown hospitality, washed the saints’ feet, helped the afflicted, and devoted herself to doing good in every way (1 Timothy 5:10).

Please pray for those impacted by the floods, for their health and survival. Please pray that they will find places to reestablish their homes and livelihoods.

Please pray that those serving the victims of the floods remain strong in their faith and resolve. Please pray that they will be able to continue reaching out to both believers and non-believers, demonstrating the love of Christ for all.

1 Comments on “Myanmar members seek assistance for flood victims

  1. Hello! there was heavy rain in paletwa region so there was happened strangely within ten years.Some houses were damaged because of landslides and, swallowed some houses by flood.The church and NGO are doing the rehabilitation programme in paletwa region( border of Mizoram,India and Chittagong Hill tract,Bangladesh.I should say thanks (as Anglican priest )for those who are supporting the flood victims by financially and prayerfully.